Somebody's Gotta Do It With Mike Rowe

“Mike Rowe’s Somebody’s Gotta Do It brings viewers face-to-face with men and women who march to the beat of a different drum. In each episode, Rowe visits unique individuals and joins them in their respective undertakings, paying tribute to innovators, do-gooders, entrepreneurs, collectors, fanatics – people who simply have to do it. This show is about passion, purpose, and occasionally, hobbies that get a little out of hand.”

Disaster City

Disaster City

Mike visits the be all, end all, first responder’s training ground, Disaster City; Mike, despite having a bad ankle sprain, runs the course with rescue veteran Billy Parker

Pageant of The Masters

Pageant of The Masters

Mike faces the longest 90 seconds of his life as he must hold a perfect pose as Bartholomew in a live display of Da Vinci’s Last Supper for the Laguna Beach annual The Pageant of the Masters event.