
Campus Chaos: A Dangerous Agenda

Campus Chaos: A Dangerous Agenda

College campuses across the country, including our most elite institutions, have been run amuck with protests led by pro-Hamas student orgs and outside agitators. It has become more apparent than ever that there is a growing hate movement not only…

Inside Infidelity Pt. 1

Inside Infidelity Pt. 1

Dr. Phil peels back the curtain on cheating spouses when he talks to women from the online group Mistresses Anonymous; how to inoculate a relationship from infidelity.

Mommy Confessions

Mommy Confessions

An angry woman who struggles to raise her child sends Dr. Phil a shocking home-video that brings many audience members to tears.

Banned From The Wedding

Banned From The Wedding

A bride-to-be takes on her future mother-in-law in an ugly feud that has torn a family apart; Dr. Phil tries to cut through the drama and broker some peace for the family.