Patty Prewitt Finally Free
40 Years Behind Bars: Patty Prewitt Finally Free
40 Years Behind Bars: Patty Prewitt Finally Free
Dr. Phil interviews the mother of murdered Maryland mom Rachel Morin, allegedly killed by a man in the U.S. illegally. She shares her grief and advocates for stricter immigration policies, urging lawmakers to take action to protect Americans.
Top stories of the week to catch up on that are shaping the fabric of American society.
Watch the best stories from the week of Morning on Merit TV with Fanchon Stinger.
A focus on dangerous street takeovers, where young adults close down streets to perform reckless car stunts.
Los Angeles County District Attorney and Sheriff talk to Dr. Phil about charges against looters and arsonists.
Top stories of the week to catch up on that are shaping the fabric of American society.
The News on Merit Street takes you beyond the top headlines of the day providing context and perspective.
President Trump’s verdict is in – guilty on all 34 counts. Dr. Phil uses 15 years of trial science expertise to break down errors made by the trial judge in this historic conviction and how this impacts the country.
Award winning journalist Fanchon Stinger leads a team dedicated to making Morning on Merit Street a rewarding daily visit.