Cindy and George Anthony: The Interview
George and Cindy Anthony, parents of Casey Anthony, break their silence.
George and Cindy Anthony, parents of Casey Anthony, break their silence.
Dr. Phil peels back the curtain on cheating spouses when he talks to women from the online group Mistresses Anonymous; how to inoculate a relationship from infidelity.
Former teacher Tanya Ramirez, who had sex with a 17-year-old who attended the school where she taught, sues him and his mother, and they face off on stage.
“Trad-wife” Estee talks about why she gave up a career to be a full-time housewife and submit to her husband. She confronts critics who say she’s betraying feminism and setting women back decades.
When parents are on edge and fighting with each other, children are often casualties of their hostility.
Dr. Phil addresses comments he received on his show dealing with infidelity; the leader of the online group Mistresses Anonymous faces off with a woman who says she was cheated on; a male perspective on infidelity.
A guest says she is so fed up with her meddling mother-in-law she has filed for divorce and has nearly gotten physical with the woman on several occasions.
Drink spiking is on the rise and extremely underreported.
A woman says she wants her deceitful, backstabbing, sneaky and controlling mother-in-law out of her life.
Five words have divided many, and sparked outrage, and even protests at the foot of the Supreme court: Should. Student. Loans. Be. Forgiven?