Raising Lazy
Are we Raising Lazy? Dr. Phil speaks with a helicopter mom about her extreme parenting and its impact on her son’s future. He also examines Gen-Zers who are quietly quitting. Do they really think that approach will work in the long run?
Are we Raising Lazy? Dr. Phil speaks with a helicopter mom about her extreme parenting and its impact on her son’s future. He also examines Gen-Zers who are quietly quitting. Do they really think that approach will work in the long run?
We’re leaving behind organized religion in shocking numbers. In 1988, 17% Americans said they never attended religious services. By 2021, this almost doubled to 31%. Church membership in the US has dropped below 50% for the first time in history. …
Mushrooms, Molly, Ecstasy, MDMA. Hear just how experts believe these drugs might hold the key to not just battling but CURING PTSD, depression, and other mental health issues in veterans and active-duty service members.
The flagship program on Merit Street Media is Dr. Phil Primetime, a brand-new show from America’s top rated and most successful talk show host.
Dr. Phil dives into one of the most heated topics of our time – cancel culture.
A growing movement of parents removing children from traditional schools for a controversial, child-led, homeschool education called, unschooling.
AI deepfakes are creating election misinformation.
America is home to the greatest medical advances in the world and yet we are the First World country where a woman is most likely to die in childbirth.
For the first time, a former teacher sits down with Dr. Phil to discuss what motivated her to have an inappropriate relationship with her 14-year-old student.
Sexual assault in the classroom is running rampant as dozens of female teachers are convicted every year. Three young men explain how their female teachers forever altered their lives.